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How the interior design work is done correctly

If you are thinking of changing the interior, contact a designer for a perfect result and professional cooperation. The designer will help you choose the right colors, materials, furniture and accessories that will match your personal style and needs. The designer will also consider the functionality, ergonomics and safety of your space. Together, you will create an interior design that fits your budget and time schedule. The designer will also provide you with quality project implementation and supervision of contractors and craftsmen. With a designer, you save time, money and stress when changing the interior and get a home that reflects your personality and lifestyle.

A house should not reveal anything from the outside, but let it reveal all its wealth inside.

Adolf Loos (Czech architect)

The procedure for interior design of an apartment by a professional architect/designer can vary according to the specific project, style and needs of the client. In general, however, several basic steps can be distinguished that are common to most design work.

“The interior is always about people and their lives.”

Albert Hadley (American interior designer and decorator)

holding the draft.

“The interior should be like comfortable shoes.”

Charlotte Moss (American interior designer and author of books on interior design)

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Základní stavební zkratky a definice

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Spoluprací s námi získáte profesionální a komplexní služby v oblasti návrhu a realizace interiéru. Naše společnost má dlouholeté zkušenosti a kvalifikovaný tým odborníků, kteří vám pomohou s přípravou a realizací vašeho záměru.

Žádná zakázka není velká, žádná zakázka není malá, zajistíme Vám nový interiér obytných prostor, rádi realizujeme i administrativní, representativní nebo konferenční prostory.

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat, rádi vám připravíme nezávaznou nabídku na míru vašim potřebám.


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